Ashley Farnsworth

Intervention Specialist

Phone: 330-679-2343 ext. 4097


3rd & 4th Grade Language Arts Weekly Focus


Spelling Words

(Week of 04/06/2020)

  1. much
  2. do
  3. money
  4. new
  5. he
  6. have

Vocabulary Words

(Week of 04/06/2020)

  1. bank
  2. budget
  3. buy
  4. cost
  5. earn
  6. enough
  7. job
  8. money
  9. need
  10. save
  11. spend
  12. work

This week we will be completing assignments on the Student Portal for our classroom curriculum.  Please log into the online curriculum in order to view your assignments.

3rd & 4th Grade Math Weekly Focus

This week we will be completing assignments on the Student Portal for our classroom curriculum.  Please log into the online curriculum in order to view your assignments.

3rd & 4th Grade Science/Social Studies Weekly Focus

This week we will be completing assignments on the Student Portal for our classroom curriculum.  Please log into the online curriculum in order to view your assignments.