2024 - 2025
2024 - 2025

Southern Local Elementary School
38095 St. Rt. 39
Salineville, Ohio 43945
Phone: 330.679.2343
Fax: 330.679.3005
Dear Student and Parents/Guardians of Southern Local Elementary School,
Welcome to Southern Local Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year. We believe that education is a partnership among students, their families, and the school. Each of you play an important role in ensuring our elementary learners are fully equipped for their futures. We value your perspectives and your contributions to our collaborative efforts in providing an exemplary education for your child.
We are committed to a safe and caring environment for our children. Principals and teachers continuously teach and reinforce clear and consistent high expectations for each student.
The guidelines in the Southern Local Elementary parent/student handbook are designed to communicate behavior expectations, rules, safety procedures, and student’s rights and responsibilities. Please join us in our collective commitment to a positive learning culture where we all share responsibility for upholding the rules for the safety of our students and staff. Please take the time to review this handbook with your child and ensure their (and your) understanding of the rights and responsibilities outlined in it.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Emily Smith, Elementary Principal
330-679-2343 ext. 4058
Jordan Wrask, Elementary Assistant Principal
330-679-2343 ext. 4057
Andrew Vulgamore, Director of Special Services
330-679-2343 ext. 4059
Jacquelyn Collins, School Guidance Counselor
330-679-2343 ext. 4062
Let’s get off to a great start!
We want every child to experience success at school and you can help your child do so. Getting your child’s day off to a good start is one of the best things you can do for them. You can make sure your child starts each day on a positive note by cooperating with and supporting our efforts in the following ways:
1. Send your child to school on time.
2. Teach your child to respect and obey all school adults.
3. Talk with your child about treating other children in the same manner as they wish to be treated.
4. Discuss with your child all the information in this handbook so that they clearly understand what is expected from them at school.
5. Become actively involved in your school. You can do so by participating in the P.T.O., and by contacting your child’s teacher to volunteer in the classroom or school.
6. Above all else, tell your child when they are doing a good job in school – praise them for good efforts and good behavior at school.
We will do the same at school. We are looking forward to a great school year with your child!
- Elementary Schedule:
- School Drop off Procedure:
- Dismissal:
- Breakfast:
- Lunch:
- Cafeteria Rules:
- Visitors/Volunteers:
- Parent-Teacher Conferences:
- Phone Calls:
- Cell Phones:
- Book Bags:
- Lockers:
- Items Brought to School:
Elementary Schedule
Drop Off- 8:30-8:55
Breakfast 8:30-8:55AM
Tardy 9:00
Dismissal 3:10-3:15
Students not riding the bus to school should be dropped off at the High School front entrance between 8:30 and 8:55. There is no adult supervision prior to 8:30 am. Parents must not use the bus lane from 8:45 – 9:00 am and 3:10 – 3:45 pm.
Student pick-ups will meet by the elementary gymnasium doors at 3:15 and will then walk to the high school main doors for dismissal. Parents are to stay in their vehicles as we dismiss students. Any parent who is not at the high school entrance by 3:30, your child will be brought back to the elementary office.
As students arrive at school, students need to proceed into the lunchroom for breakfast. Breakfast at Southern Local Elementary is free and offered to all students.
Breakfast is served from 8:30AM to 8:55AM each morning. Students are responsible for being in their classroom by 9:00.
Lunch is free and offered to all students. If a student wishes to purchase additional milk or a snack side from the cafeteria they must have money on their student accounts. The money must be in an envelope clearly labeled with the student’s name, ID number, teacher’s name, and amount enclosed. All checks are to be made too Southern Local School District.
- There is to be no pop brought to school to be consumed during lunch time.
As said above, Southern Local Elementary offers free lunch to all students but in order for us to qualify we must provide documentation of a Household Survey. These remain on file for documentation for our free lunch program.
1. Walk at all times. | 5. Eat and touch your food only. |
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. | 6. Put trash in the proper place. |
3. Talk in a soft voice. | 7. Line up quietly and orderly. |
4. Stay in your seat. |
Students are expected to show the same reserved behavior that would be used in any restaurant. Boisterous noise and/or displays or rowdiness shall not be tolerated. All students are expected to clean up after themselves, picking up dropped trash, using the refuse containers, and returning food trays.
We are fortunate to have many wonderful visitors and volunteers here at Southern Local Elementary. For your convenience and for the safety of our students, we have several steps al visitors and volunteers must follow. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
All visitors and volunteers must:
• report to the school office upon entering the school building with a valid driver’s license or state id
• sign-in and wear a visitor/volunteer badge while in the building.
• report directly to the room you are visiting/volunteering in.
• stay with the teacher/classroom during your scheduled time.
• return to the office at the end of your scheduled time to sign-out.
Close communication between parents and teachers is strongly encouraged. The district offers two opportunities where teachers are available for extended times to meet with parents. These regularly scheduled conference times create a better understanding between home and school, aid in reporting student progress, and help to meet the individual needs of each child. Refer to the school calendar for these regularly scheduled times. In addition, parents are encouraged to consult with teachers throughout the year. To schedule a conference, contact the teacher directly either through phone call, note to teacher, or Class Dojo.
Except during an extreme emergency, neither teacher nor student will be called to the telephone during class time. Students will not be permitted to call home when they forget to bring books, lunches or other related items.
The use of cell phones for elementary students will be permitted on an as needed basis, with permission granted from the principal, only for contacting parents after school. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in the student’s locker/book bag/cubby during the school day. If a cell phone is found to be turned on causing a disruption to the academic day, the cell phone will be confiscated and turned in to the principal. The student’s parent will be contacted to retrieve the phone. The student who is in violation of the school’s cell phone policy may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the principal.
Students are encouraged to carry their items to and from school in a book bag. Students are not permitted to carry their book bags with them throughout the day. They must remain in their storage area (locker or cubby).
Assigned lockers remain school property and are subject to inspection by school personnel. Each student is responsible for his/her own assigned locker. Locks are highly recommended for protection of belongings. The school is not responsible for any items placed in or stolen from lockers, nor will time be spent investigating theft of items taken from an unlocked or shared locker.
At times, children will want to bring something to school that is related to the course of study or has some other educational value. Although we encourage this, items which are expensive, irreplaceable, or of great personal or family value should not be brought to school. The School is not liable for any loss or damage to personal valuables.
• Students are not permitted to bring cell phones, iPods, Game Boys, or other electronic devices to school.
• Toys should not be brought to school unless specified by your child’s teacher with a note on a special occasion.
- Grade and Class Assignment:
- Promotion and Retention:
- Class work/Textbooks/Homework:
- Field Trips:
- Grading:
- Nine Weeks Grades:
- Semester Grades
According to board policy, principals are responsible for assigning students to grade levels and specific classrooms. Assignments, activities and assessments reflect learning through The Ohio State Content Standards and Benchmarks.
Students’ academic success is based on numerous factors, and both promotion and retention are taken very seriously. The decision to promote and retain is typically a team-based decision where many factors are taken into consideration, including but not limited to; overall academic progress, attendance, and overall classroom performance.
The State Content Standards provide a curriculum guideline for student learning. Teachers may utilize a variety of sources and activities to enhance and compliment student learning. These resources may include textbooks. Students are responsible for the textbooks assigned to them. When the books are collected at the end of the school year, they should reflect normal usage. Students could be charged for books that receive excessive wear, damage or are lost. Report cards will be held until borrowed books are returned.
Class assignments – whether for completion in school or at home – are critical to student learning. The length of homework varies among grade levels. Students who are assigned homework are expected to return the completed homework as directed by the teacher. Homework assignments are written daily in students’ agendas. Teachers also communicate weekly through classroom newsletters about class and homework assignments. Failure to complete assignments may result in office discipline.Field Trips are educational experiences that teachers can use to enhance student learning. Field trips are to be relevant to the Content Standards and Indicators being taught. Parents please be aware of the following:
o Parent/helper chaperones will be selected by the teacher.
o The only children permitted on Field Trips are those students in the participating class.
o Children whose parents act as chaperones will not be dismissed from school prior to the regular dismissal time.
o Parent permission and an emergency medical form must be on file in the principal’s office before a child will be permitted to attend.
o Board Policy concerning Student Field Trips and chaperones will be strictly enforced.
o Field trip participation is not mandatory nor is it reflective on pupil grades. Field trips are considered a privilege and not a right. The administration reserves the right to deny field trip participation, if based on previous behavior or excessive absences, participation is not in the best interest of the student or his or her classmates.
Students in grades Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade are assessed using a standards based report card. Each grade level will send parent information home regarding their standards and student progress rating scales towards mastery of skills. These standards based report cards will be sent home four times a year.
Our grading system for grades 3rd-5th utilizes a percentage scale with alphabetical equivalence with the following description:
90%-100% A | A superior student who consistently shows subject mastery works beyond the assignments. |
80%-89% B | A good student who is above average in performance and attitude. |
70%-79%C | An average student who regularly completes the minimum requirements. |
60%-69% D | A student who frequently has difficulty completing assignments. |
59%-Below F | This mark indicates the student has failed to meet minimum standards and will not receive credit for the course. |
P Pass | Credit given with no letter grade or percent attached. |
I Incomplete | Two (2) weeks after report cards have been issued; an incomplete grade will become an F grade due to the student not meeting the minimum course standards. Exceptions may be taken under consideration with the teacher and principal approval. |
NINE WEEKS GRADES are determined by averaging a minimum of nine (9) grades. Attendance and class participation are integral parts of student’s grades. Students failing the 3rd and 4th nine (9) week grading periods may or may not be granted credit at the discretion of the teacher and principal.
SEMESTER GRADES are determined by averaging two nine weeks grades. Example: 98% + 76% divided by 2 = 87% or a B. FINAL YEARLY GRADES are determined by averaging 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th nine weeks percentages.
- Attendance:
- Tardy/Half-Day Absence:
- Early Dismissal:
- Change in transportation for pickup:
- After School Dismissal:
- Activities:
- Excused Absences:
- Unexcused Absences:
- Truancy:
- Withdrawal from School:
A Key to Your Student’s Success
Schools are responsible for teaching your child. But schools can’t do their job if your child is absent. Learning builds day by day. A child who misses a day of school misses a day of learning.
Regular attendance is important to your child’s education because essential learning takes place every day at school. All students, ages six through eighteen years of age, must be in school every day that school is in session unless excused with a state accepted excuse (Section 3321.01 ORC).
School hours are 9:00 am – 3:30 pm daily for grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Students are to arrive by bus or be transported by parents and are asked not to arrive prior to 8:45 am because there is no supervision for students before the arrival of teachers at 8:45 am.Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after 9:10. Students missing 60 minutes to three (3) hours are considered to be absent for ½ day. Any absence of more than 3 hours will be considered a full-day absence.
When it is necessary for students to be dismissed early from school, a written note must be provided requesting permission to leave and stating the reason and time for the early dismissal. Parents/Guardians must report to office and sign their student out.
If someone is going to pick your child up at school, please send a note with the child or call the school. *Without a note or parent/guardian call, your child will be put on the bus they were initially assigned. Please make every effort to call before 12:00 p.m. for a change of plan. Parents must request the change of plan.
Parents/Guardians picking up their child/children after school (3:15 pm) must send a written notice to the school prior to the end of the school day. Students will be dismissed with other car riders at the high school entrance.
In order to attend school-sponsored activities/extracurricular activities (weightlifting, basketball, baseball, volleyball, basketball, softball, etc.) after regular school hours as a spectator or participant, the student must be in school at least one-half of the school day.
Excusable absences include personal illness, death in the family, quarantine, religious holidays, doctor or dentist appointments, court dates, or other emergency reasons deemed just cause by the school district. Parents should make every reasonable effort to make medical appointments outside of the school day. Family Vacations during non-school time is encouraged to avoid prolonged student absences. Please notify the principal in writing at least one week in advance of your planned family vacation so the absence can be submitted to the Superintendent for approval. Arrangements to make up class work must be made in advance of the intended vacation.
Please be aware of the following procedures in place regarding student excused absences:
1. Please make every effort to call off students between 8:00 – 9:00 am
2. All absences must be verified with a written excuse.
3. Medical excuses cannot be backdated and the school requires that the physician or medical staff actually see/examine the student in order to provide a valid excuse.
4. Five (5) excused absences will result in written/verbal communication to the parent.
5. Ten (10) excused absences will result in written communication to the parent.
6. After twelve (12) excused absences the student must provide the school with a medical excuse or the days will be unexcused.
Unexcused absences are defined as any absence where the above named conditions have not been met.
Please be aware of the following procedures in place regarding student unexcused absences:
1. Five (5) days or 30 hours of unexcused absences will result in written communication to the parent.
2. Seven (7)days or 42 hours of unexcused absences will result in an informal meeting with the school attendance team, court liaison officers and parents/guardians.
3. Twelve (12)days or 72 hours of unexcused absences will result in the activation of school policy related to "habitual truancy". Students may lose privileges such as but not limited to: (non-educational field trips, attendance at extracurricular and non-curricular activities)
Truancy is defined as habitual unexcused absences. In an effort to deter chronic absences the district’s attendance/truancy policy will be strictly enforced by school personnel in accordance to district attendance policy and House Bill 410.
When students are withdrawn from school, parents should notify the school office several days in advance. Students’ records will not be released without parental consent. All outstanding fees must be paid and all books and materials returned upon withdrawal from school. Records, grades, and credits may be withheld for failure to pay fees.
- Cancellation of School:
- Dress Code:
- Emergency Notification Forms/Medical Emergencies:
- Health screenings/Examination:
- Medical Procedures:
- Student Inoculations: Immunizations:
- Suspected Child Abuse:
- Safety Drills:
- Disruptive Students:
- Student Anti-Hazing:
Should there be a need to delay the start of school, have an early dismissal or close school on an emergency basis (inclement weather, etc.) parents/student should receive information from local television stations listed below:
WFMJ TV 21 | WKBN TV 27 | WTOV TV 9 |
The school will also send out information on an automated phone system which will be a telephone recording. Please notify the office with any telephone number changes as they occur.
The key to our dress code is that we all accept certain standards for ourselves, our school, and our community at large. The administration and staff feel that there is a definite correlation between student dress and student conduct. In general, school dress should be such that it insures the health, welfare, and safety of the members of the student body and enhances a positive image of our students and school.
• Clothing with inappropriate language and symbols is not to be worn or displayed in any way.
• Clothing shall be worn in the manner for WHICH it is designed.
• No clothing with holes that reveals skin above the knees is appropriate for school. No undergarment may be shown at any time.
• During school hours, all shirts must have shoulders and sleeves. Attire that displays cleavage, and see through garments will not be allowed. No sleeveless shirts, cut off shirts, or spaghetti straps are permissible. No arm pit or torso skin may be visible when arms are held out.
• Undergarments are not to be seen, including boxers and bra straps. An undergarment constitutes anything worn under clothing.
• Clothing should not be shorter than the child’s finger tips when arms are held at each of their body.
• Pajamas are not permitted.
• Proper gym shoes must be worn on physical education days.
• Open toed sandals without a back strap, slides, and flip flops are not permitted at any time.
• Shoes with wheels (skates) are not permitted at any time.
• No distracting makeup or piercings on the body and/or face is acceptable.
• Hair must be neat, clean and well groomed and no extreme colors. Hair must not cover the face and or eyes. The eyes must be seen at all times.
• Upon entering the school students are to remove all forms of headwear (caps, hats, hoods, sunglasses, etc.). Headwear is not to be worn in school unless as part of a sponsored activity and prior approval by administration.
• During winter months students should dress in warm clothing such as hats, mittens/gloves and winter coats. We will have outdoor recess whenever conditions allow and the temperature is above 30 degrees.
Any form of dress or grooming that attracts undue attention or violates the previous statements is obviously unacceptable. The principal has the final jurisdiction in interpreting and enforcing this policy.
All parents are required by Ohio Law to have an emergency notification form completed and on file for each child enrolled. The Emergency Medical Authorization Form is on the Final Forms website and must be completed at the beginning of each school year. Parents are responsible for keeping the office informed of changes in telephone numbers and other pertinent information; any change should be reported immediately to the school office.
Any child who becomes ill or injured at school is seen by the school nurse or designated personnel. Emergency care that can be legally given will be administered, and the parent/guardian will be notified as soon as possible.The Board of Education may require students of the district to submit to a periodic health exam to:
a. Protect the school community from the spread of communicable disease;
b. Verify that each student’s participation in health, safety, and physical education courses meets his/her needs.
Listed below are common illnesses and the appropriate guidelines for treatment and/or school attendance:
o Chicken Pox: a skin rash consisting of small blister, which leave scabs. A slight fever may or may not be present. There may be blisters and scabs all present at the same time. Your child should remain home until all the blisters have scabbed over, usually 5-7 days after appearance of the first crop of blisters.
o Common Cold: Irritated throat, watery discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing, chilliness, and general body discomfort. Your child should remain home if the symptoms are serious enough to interfere with the youngster’s ability to learn. Medical care should be obtained if symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days, fever develops, or discharge becomes yellow to green.
o Fever: If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees F or greater s/he should remain home until s/he has been without fever for a full 24 hours. Remember, fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness.
o Flu: Abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache, and sore muscles. Runny nose, sore throat, and cough are common. Your child should remain home from school until symptoms are gone and the child is without fever for 24 hours.
o Head Lice: Lice are small grayish-tan, wingless insects that lay eggs call nits. Nits firmly attach to the hair shafts, close to the scalp. They are small white specks usually found at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. After receiving treatment from pediculicide shampoo and nits have been removed; the school nurse must see your child before returning to school. Parents must accompany their child on the day s/he returns to school. A call to 330.679.2343 ext 4016 must be made and an appointment set up before the child is readmitted. If there is still lice or nit evidence, the child will go back home with the parent. If readmitted, the child will assume normal activities which include bussing privileges.
o Impetigo: Blister-like lesions that later develop into crusted, pus-like sores. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and sores are no longer draining.
o Pain: If your child complains, or behavior indicates, that s/he is experiencing persistent pain, s/he should be evaluated by a physician before attending school.
o Pinkeye: Redness and swelling of the membranes of the eye with burning or itching, matter coming from one or both eyes, or crusts on the eyelids. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and discharge from the eyes has stopped. Please note that viral conjunctivitis does not have drainage from the eye. Until conjunctivitis is ruled out by a physician, the child per The Ohio Department of Health, will be excluded from school in order to prevent additional spread of the virus. Spread of the infection can be minimized by keeping the hands away from the face, good hand washing practices, using individual washcloths and towels, and not touching any part of the eyes with the tip of the medication applicator while administering antibiotic ointment.
o Skin Rashes: Skin rashes of unknown origin should be evaluated by a physician before your child is sent to school. If a contagious is suspected, the student will be sent home until seen by a physician. When the physician approves a return to school, please send a physician’s note with your child to the office.
o Strep Throat: Strep throat begins with fever, sore and red throat, pus spots on the back of the throat, and tender swollen glands of the neck. Antibiotics ordered for strep infections are to be taken for ten days or until all medications are gone. Students can return to school after being on the antibiotic therapy for 24 hours. Only when these directions are followed correctly is the strep germ completely eliminated from the body, no matter how well your child feels after the first few days of receiving treatment.
o Vomiting and Diarrhea (Intestinal Viral Infections): Stomachache, cramping, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, possible fever, headache, and body aches. Your child should remain home until vomiting, diarrhea, or fever has ceased for 24 hours. **If your child has any of these symptoms during the night, s/he should not be sent to school the following day.
Please keep these guidelines for future reference. Consult your physician for the most accurate diagnosis and treatment.
The District may provide or request parents to provide:
a. general physical examinations for athletics
b. tests for communicable disease
c. vision and/or audiometric screening
d. scoliosis tests
Providing medical care to a student is the responsibility of the parent and should not be assumed by the school. Whenever possible, it is preferred that students not be expected to take medication during school hours. If it is absolutely necessary that medication be administered during school hours, these procedures must be followed:
o Written permission for dispensing medication (prescription or over the counter) must be obtained from the student’s parent and physician. The administration of any medication without the order of a physician and the permission of the parent/guardian is interpreted as practicing medicine and is prohibited by medical law.
o The parent/guardian and the physician must complete the School Medication Permit and Administration of Prescription Drugs Form. These forms are provided during the first week of the school year. If you will need additional forms, please contact the school office. This form provides parent permission, medical information, and the physician order required by Ohio Law. A separate form is required for each medication. New forms must be submitted each school year as well as for each change in medication or dosage. No medication will be administered unless this parent permission, medical information and physician order is provided.
o The student is responsible for reporting to the clinic on time for medication(s).
o Students are not permitted to carry medications to, from, or during school. Consequently, the parent is advised to deliver medication directly to the school nurse or office. School personnel are not responsible for medication prior to delivery of them. Students with life-threatening critical needs verified by a physician are permitted to carry medication.
o All medications must be delivered in the original container, properly labeled with directions for administering. The student’s name must be clearly visible on the container. The parent must supply the school with the exact dosage. Parents are responsible for being aware of the quantity of medications supplied to the school and when additional medication may be needed. Only parents/guardians are permitted to bring medications to school.
o The school nurse or designee will administer the medication as prescribed by the physician.
o When prescription medications have been discontinued, the parent/guardian must pick up any remaining medications within one week or it will be disposed of by the school nurse.
The State of Ohio and The Southern Local Board of Education require that all students be immunized as follows:
Diptheria-Pertussis-Titanus | 5 inoculations |
Polio Sabin Tri Volent | 4 inoculations |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella | 2 inoculations |
Hepatitis B | 3 inoculations |
Varicella (chicken pox) | 2 inoculations |
According to Ohio Law, persons whose duties bring them into contact with children are expressly required to immediately report instances of suspected child abuse or neglect. This includes teachers, school employees, and school administrators. Failure to report is a fourth degree misdemeanor.
All students and staff regularly practice building lockdown and evacuation procedures for a variety of circumstances including; unknown intruder, fire, severe weather, and tornados.
The Board of Education believes that the students of this District are entitled to an education free from undue disruption. Students who willfully disrupt the educational program shall be subject of the discipline procedures of the District.
Violation by a student of one (1) or more of the following rules on school grounds or at school activities and events off school grounds may result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions such as, loss of privilege, lunch detention, before or after school detention, in-school suspension, out of school suspension, emergency removal from class or school, and/or expulsion. These rules are not meant to be all-inclusive; a building administrator may use other options if they are deemed more appropriate to the infraction of the rules.
• Disruption in school: A student will not, by use of violence, force, coercion, threat, harassment, insubordination or repeated acts of misbehavior cause disruption or obstruction to the educational process, including all curricular and extracurricular activities.
• Destruction of School or Private Property: a student will not cause or attempt to cause willful destruction or defacement of school or private property (including vehicles owned by the Board).
• Fighting, Assault, and/or Threat There of: A student will not physically attack or threaten to attack any person.
• Dangerous Weapons, Instruments, and Objects: A student will not possess, handle, transmit, or conceal any object that might be considered a dangerous weapon or instrument capable of harming another person.
• Narcotic, Alcoholic Beverages, and Drugs: A student will not possess, use, transmit, conceal, or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, dangerous drug, narcotic, or any substance that causes physical or mental change.
• Smoking: Students will not be permitted to possess or use tobacco in school buildings or on school grounds.
• Profanity and/or Obscenity: A student will not, by written, verbal, gesturing, or other means, annoy or humiliate others or disrupt the educational process by using profanity and/or obscenity
• Truancy and Tardiness: A student will comply with the compulsory school attendance laws. When a student is absent from school without a legal excuse, it constitutes truancy or tardiness. This includes unexcused absences from study hall, class, or any other properly assigned activity. Repeated tardiness is also considered a serious offense.
• Insubordination: A student will comply with the directions of authorized school personnel during any period of time the student is properly under the authority of the school.
• Inappropriate Dress: A student will not dress or appear in a fashion if it interferes with student’s health or welfare or that of others; or cause disruption or directly interferes with the educational process.
• Theft: A student will not take or attempt to take into possession the public property or equipment of the School District or the personal property of another.
• Extortion: A student will not obtain or attempt to obtain another person’s property either by implied or expressed threat.
• Forgery: A student will not falsify, in writing, the name of another person, or times, dates, grades, addresses, or other data on school forms, or correspondence directed to the school.
• Trespassing or Loitering: A student will not be present in a school building or on school grounds at unauthorized times.
• Breaking and Entering: A student will not break and enter, or attempt to break and enter, school or private property either on school grounds or at any school activity function or event off school grounds.
Students must also abide by other rules that may be established from time to time by the Board, Superintendent, or Principal.
It is the policy of the Southern Local School District Board of Education that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times. No administrator, faculty member, or other employee of the School District shall encourage, permit, condone, or tolerated any hazing activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing.
Hazing is defined as doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.
If hazing or planned hazing is discovered, involved students shall be informed by the school employee discovering the hazing of the probation contained in this policy and shall be required to end all hazing activities immediately. All hazing incidents shall be reported to the Superintendent immediately.
Students who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties in accordance with Ohio law (R.C. 2307.44, 2903.31).
- PAX Good Behavior
- Kindergarten-3rd Grade
- Grades 4-5 Major Offenses and Consequences
- Level I
- Level II
- Level III
- Level IV
The PAX Good Behavior Game is an evidence-based universal preventive intervention applied by teachers in the classroom. PAX helps build children’s self-regulation, resulting in improved focus and attention, improved test scores and other academic outcomes, as well as other mental and health issues. PAX truly benefits everyone by making the children the HEROES of change.
1st offense- verbal warning, call to parents
2nd offense- Lunch/Recess Detention, call to parents
3rd offense- office referral
Unless it’s a major offense (physical fighting, inappropriate language, hitting, etc.) an office referral and a possible emergency removal for 48 hours.
The following is a list (not meant to be inclusive) of unacceptable student behavior on school grounds, during school hours, or at school activities which may require detention, night school, suspension, expulsion, legal action or a combination thereof. The building administrators may use other options if they are deemed more appropriate to the infraction of the rules, or to address discipline problems not concerned by this discipline plan.
An infraction of the following rules may result in immediate referral to the principal, a minimum 10 day suspension from school, referral for expulsion, and/or legal referral.
- Chemical Abuse
- Possession of dangerous weapons
- Assault (ORC 2903.13)
- Terrorist Threats
- Threats to school personnel and /or students
- Vandalism in excess of $100.00
Students shall not possess, use, transmit, sell, conceal or consume any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant or any of the drugs of abuse. This provision shall be applicable to any conduct on school grounds, during and immediately before or after school hours; on school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a group; off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function or event; on a school bus or conveyance; or at any other time during the same calendar day when the student is or will be subject to the authority of the school. Moreover, the student shall not consume any alcoholic beverages or intoxicants or drugs of abuse at any time before the student’s arrival at school or at a school-sponsored or related activity or event. Examples of drugs of abuse include, but are not limited to, narcotic drugs, hallucinogenic drugs, generic drugs, amphetamines, steroids, barbiturates, marijuana, glue, cocoons, as well as look-a-likes, drugs in accordance with a medical prescription from a licensed physician shall not be considered in violation of this rule. However, all such drugs must be maintained in their original container. Students shall not possess, use, transmit, sell or conceal any drug-of-abuse instrument or paraphernalia (for example hypodermic needle, syringe.)
A. The Board is committed to providing the students of the District with an educational environment, which is free of dangers of firearms, knives and other dangerous weapons in schools.
The definition of a firearm shall include any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or a receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device (as defined by 17 U.S.C.A. Section 921-924), which includes but is not limited to any explosive, incendiary, poisonous gas, bomb, grenade, or rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or device similar to any of the devices described above.
Students are prohibited from bringing a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity. If a student brings a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity, the Superintendent shall expel this student from school for a period of one calendar year. Any such expulsion shall extend, as necessary, into the school year following the school year in which the incident occurred. The Superintendent may reduce this requirement on a case-by-case basis in accordance with State Law.
Students are also prohibited from bringing knives on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity. The definition of a knife includes, but is not limited to a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle. If a student brings a knife on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity, the Superintendent may if authorized by the Board, expel the student from school, with the same expulsion implications as noted above.
The Board may extend the right to expel a student for reasons beyond the possession of a firearm or knife. Students who possess or use other dangerous weapons, which are defined by not limited to metal knuckles, straight razors, explosives, noxious irritation or poisonous gases, poisons, drugs or other items possessed with the intent to use, sell, harm, threaten or harass students, staff members, parents or community members, may be subject to expulsion.
A) No person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another or to another’s unborn. B) No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to another or to another’s unborn. C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of assault.
A student shall not cause material disruption of the school day by behaviors, such as bomb threats, hit lists, setting off of false fire alarms, inducing public panic, etc.
A student may not make what may be reasonably interpreted as a threat to do bodily harm to a school employee and/or students.
An infraction of the following rules may result in detentions, in school suspension, out of school suspension and/or expulsion. (All violent acts accumulate in numerical order: Fighting, physical harassment, and sexual harassment.)
1st Offense – 1-3 days of In School Suspension (DRA) or 1-3 Out of School Suspension.
2nd Offense –3-5 days In School Suspension or 3 days Out of School Suspension
3rd Offense – will result in 1-3 days out of school suspension
- Fighting:
- Harassment:
- Sexual Harassment:
- Endangering the safety of staff and/or student:
- Use or possession of Tobacco Products:
- Theft:
(It takes two to fight; therefore, both parties may be suspended unless one party assumes the responsibility for the fight.)
** If any staff personnel is injured during a fight, all parties involved in the fight shall be held accountable for staff’s injury.
Physical (Bullying): unwanted intimidating actions such as pushing, throwing punches (swinging), kicking, etc. or spitting directed towards another student.
Any unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper physical contact or sexual remark.
A student shall not involve a student, staff member, visitor or employee of the Board in an incident that is detrimental to one safety.
(Payment for replacement and Contact Authorities): A student shall not cause or attempt to take into possession the property of the school district or the property of another student, teacher, school employee or visitor.
An infraction of the following rules may result in the assignment of detention, in school suspension, or out of school suspension.
1st Offense – After School Detention or In-school suspension
2nd Offense – In-school suspension
3rd Offense – Out of School Suspension
- Lighting Matches/Igniting Lighters:
- Verbal Harassment or Bullying:
- Insubordination:
- Forgery/Lying:
- Vandalism less than $ 100.00 (Payment for Damages):
- Use of Profanity and/or Obscene Language:
- Leaving School Building without permission
- Cell Phone:
Students shall not bring lighters or matches into the school building.
Unwanted written or spoken comments, jokes, insults, or other disparaging remarks towards a student or staff member. Students may not make comments considered to be threatening to other students.
Unwilling to submit to authority. A student shall not disregard or refuse to obey reasonable directions given by school personnel.
A student will not falsify the name of another person, or time, date, grades, addresses, or other data on school forms, or correspondence directed to the school.
A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to property of the school.
A student shall not use any form of profanity, and or gestures, written or verbal towards teachers, faculty members or his/her peers.
Any infraction in this level of student handbook shall result in one or more of the following:
1st Offense - After school Detention or In-school Suspension
2nd Offense - In-school Suspension
3rd Offense –Out of School Suspension
- Loitering:
- Dress Code Violation:
- Lookout:
- Public Display of Affection:
- Leaving Class without Permission:
- Orderly School Process:
- Disrespect to Staff:
- Cheating:
- Drug Awareness Policy:
- Counterfeit Drug Policy:
- Search and Seizure:
- Emergency Removal:
- Suspension:
- Expulsion:
- General Information:
- Title IX Sexual Harassment
The Southern Local Board of Education maintains that a primary responsibility of the school is to provide students with learning experiences and skills that will enable them to function successfully, without drugs, alcohol or tobacco in a rapidly changing society. The use of chemical substance inhabits the achievement of the overall goals of any school system. The medical, physical, and emotional problems created by the use of and dependency on, chemical substances interfere with learning, development, and safety of students.
In carrying out these responsibilities, the school staff will notify parents of behavioral symptoms of drug use and abuse noted in the student. Appropriate staff will meet with students and/or parents to discuss the nature and extent of the observable problem and to recommend remedial action. Courses of action to be recommended will be dependent of the attitude of the student, the cooperation of the parent(s), and the seriousness and frequency of observable behavior.
The possession or sale of counterfeit controlled substances, commonly called “look a likes” is harmful and injurious to the maintenance of health, safety, and discipline in the Southern Local Elementary School. Therefore, the possession or sale of counterfeit controlled substances will be considered a major offense.
1. A counterfeit controlled substance is defined as:
a. Any drug that bears, or whose container or label bears a trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark used without authorization of the owner or rights to such trademark, trade name, or identifying mark.
b. Any unmarked or unlabeled substance that is represented to be a controlled substance packed, or distributed it.
c. Any substance that is represented to be a controlled substance but is not a controlled substance or is a different controlled substance.
d. Any substance other than controlled substances that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance because of its similarity in shape, size and color, or its marking, labeling, packaging, distribution or the price for which it is sold or offered for sale.
2. No student shall knowingly possess any counterfeit controlled substance, nor shall any student knowingly make, sell, and offer to sell, give, package, or deliver a counterfeit controlled substance.
The Board acknowledges the need for in-school storage of student possessions and shall provide storage places, including desks and lockers, for that purpose. Where locks are provided or brought in by students for such places, students shall have them against incursion by other students, but in no such places shall students have such an expectation of privacy as to prevent examination by the school official. The school is not responsible for valuable items that students bring to school.
The Board directs the school principals to conduct a regular search at least annually of all such storage places. In cases where property is stolen and where property is illegally in a person’s possession, the school needs a legal means to find the property or remove the illegal property in question. The Board of Education recognizes that the privacy of students may not be violated by unreasonable search and seizure and directs that no student be searched without reason or in an unreasonable manner. In cases where property is stolen and where property is illegally in a person’s possession, the school has legal means to find the property or remove the illegal property in question.
School authorities are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the safety and well being of the students in their care. In the discharge of that responsibility, school authorities may search the person or property of a student, with or without the student’s consent, whenever they have reasonable grounds to suspect that the search is required to discover evidence of a violation of law or of school rules.
If a student’s presence possesses a continuous danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process, then the superintendent or principal may remove the student from the premises. A teacher may remove the student from curricular or extracurricular activities under his/her supervision, but not from the premises. If a teacher makes an emergency removal, reasons will be submitted to the principal in writing as soon after the removal as practicable. In all cases of normal disciplinary procedures where a student is removed from a curricular or extracurricular activity for less than 24 hours and is not subject to further suspension or expulsion, the due process requirements do no apply.
If the emergency removal exceeds 24 hours, then due process hearing will be held within 72 hours after the removal is ordered. Written notice of the hearing and the reason for removal and any intended disciplinary action will be given to the student as soon as practicable prior to the hearing. The student will have the opportunity to appear at an informal hearing before the principal, superintendent or designee and has the right to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension or otherwise explain his actions. The person who ordered or requested the removal will be present at the hearing. Twenty-four hours prior notification will be given to the parent, and treasurer of the Board. This notice will include the reasons for the suspension and the right of the student or parent to appeal to the superintendent or his designee.
The superintendent or principal may suspend a student for not more than 10 days. The superintendent or principal will give written notice of intention to suspend and the reason(s) to the student. The student will have an opportunity to appear at an informal hearing before the principal, superintendent or designee, and will have the right to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension or otherwise explain his actions. This hearing may take place immediately. Parent/Guardians may request in writing student work for the days of suspension in order for the suspended student to complete the work as per HB 318. The student must complete the missed work within the suspension time or the school make up work policy will be followed (suspended 3 days= student has 3 days to make up the work).
Any student suspended three (3) times in a semester may be subject to an expulsion hearing. Within 24 hours of the suspension, the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student and the treasurer or the Board will be notified in writing of the suspension. The notice will include the reasons for the suspension: and the right of the student or parent for appeal to the Board of Education or its designee: the right to be represented at the appeal and the right to request the hearing be held in executive session.
The student (or parent or guardian) may request a hearing before the Board. The hearing may be private, but the Board must act publicly. The Board may reinstate the student by a majority vote of its full membership.
If the student, parent, or guardian requests an appeal hearing before the Principal, or Board of Education, the suspended or expelled student shall serve the assigned suspension or expulsion during the appeal process. Reversal of an assigned suspension/expulsion shall require that a student’s records be expunged, credit be given for missed assignments and the student be reinstated to the regular educational program.
Requests for the hearings before the Board of Education will only be granted when the following occurred:
- A meeting with the staff member initiating the disciplinary action and the building principal has been concluded.
- A meeting with the building principal and the superintendent has been concluded.
The superintendent shall develop rules and regulations to implement this policy, which shall include:
A. The communication of standards of behavior to all students in accordance with Board policy on student discipline.
B. Procedures that insure due process in the deprivation of student’s right to attend school.
C. Regulations regarding student records that require that all records of suspension be expunged if a student is found innocent of charges made against him/her.
Authority to expel a student is reserved to the Superintendent. Expulsion is the removal of a student for more than ten (10) days duration. The period of expulsion may not extend beyond eighty (80) school days. Written notice of expulsion, with the reasons therefore, must be sent to the parent or guardian and to the Treasurer of the Board within twenty-four hours. The Treasurer is to notify the Board of Education of all expulsions. The superintendent will give the student and parent, guardian or custodian written notice of the intended expulsion. The student and the parent or representative have the opportunity to appear on request before the superintendent or designee to challenge the action or to otherwise explain the student’s actions. This notice will state the time and place to appear which must not be less than three days or later than five days after the notice is given.
Within 24 hours of the expulsion, the superintendent will notify the parent, guardian or custodian of the student and the Treasurer of the Board. The notice will include the reasons for the expulsion and the right of the student, parent, or custodian to appeal to the Board of Education or its designee, right to representation, and that the appeal hearing may be held in executive session.
- Students will follow all procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations outlined in the Discipline and Student Handbooks, including announced and bulletin updates
- Rules and regulations apply at all school-sponsored activities, on and off school property (field trips, athletic contests, etc.)
- Students who violate school rules will be assigned specific consequences.
- A teacher may advance a student on a classroom discipline plan at any time it becomes necessary based on the number of violations and/or the severity of the offense.
The Board of Education of the Southern Local School District (hereinafter referred to as "the Board" or "the District") does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), in its education programs or activities, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and its implementing regulations, not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment.
The Board is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment. The Board prohibits Sexual Harassment that occurs within its education programs and activities. When the District has actual knowledge of Sexual Harassment in its education program or activity against a person in the United States, it shall promptly respond in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent.
Pursuant to its Title IX obligations, the Board is committed to eliminating Sexual Harassment and will take appropriate action when an individual is determined responsible for violating this policy. Board employees, students, third-party vendors and contractors, guests, and other members of the School District community who commit Sexual Harassment are subject to the full range of disciplinary sanctions set forth in this policy. The Board will provide persons who have experienced Sexual Harassment ongoing remedies as reasonably necessary to restore or preserve access to the District's education programs and activities.
This policy applies to Sexual Harassment that occurs within the District's education programs and activities and that is committed by a member of the School District community or a Third Party.
This policy does not apply to Sexual Harassment that occurs off school grounds, in a private setting, and outside the scope of the District's education programs and activities; such Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Activity may be prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct if committed by a student, or by Board policies and administrative guidelines, applicable State and/or Federal laws and/or Employee/Administrator Handbook(s) if committed by a Board employee.
Consistent with the U.S. Department of Education's implementing regulations for Title IX, this policy does not apply to Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the geographic boundaries of the United States, even if the Sexual Harassment occurs in the District's education programs or activities. Sexual Harassment that occurs outside the geographic boundaries of the United States is governed by the Student Code of Conduct if committed by a student, or by Board Policies and administrative guidelines, applicable State and/or Federal laws and/or Employee/Administrator Handbook(s) if committed by a Board employee.
For reporting incidences of sexual harassment, please contact the district Title IX Coordinator. The contact information and reporting process can be found at the district website (www.southern.k12.oh.us) in District Policy 2266- Non-discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities or on the Federal Programs page under Title IX District Resolution Form.

- Discipline Policy
- Permission to Change Buses or Stops:
- Procedures:
- Rules:
- Consequences:
- Serious Behavior Problems:
- Consequences for Serious Problems:
- Major Offenses (boarding, riding, departing busses):
- Appeal of Bus Suspension:
We at Southern Local believe that transporting children is a shared responsibility between home and school. The district is responsible for children once they board the bus, while families are responsible for the safety and supervision of their children to and from the designated bus stop as well as while they are waiting for school transportation.
It is critical that children obey the bus rules. Such rules ensure the safety and welfare of all young riders. If a child repeatedly violates these rules—thus jeopardizing everyone’s safety—the student may ultimately be denied the privilege of riding the bus. If a child loses transportation privileges, it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure the child has transportation to and from school. Students failing to attend school will be considered truant and referred to the attendance officer.
All bus drivers and substitute bus drivers at Southern Local will enforce the rules and consequences, stated in this policy on a consistent basis. These procedures will also apply to all extracurricular trips.
A. Students shall be on time for the bus.
B. Students shall cross a road only when instructed by the driver.
C. Students should look carefully, both ways, before crossing a road. Students should walk quickly, crossing ten feet (10’) in front of the bus and there should be no running.
D. Students will not be permitted to bring pets or other animals on the school bus.
E. All toys, equipment, radios, headsets, electronic devices, etc. are not to be brought on busses. Glass containers will not be permitted on the bus. Non-approved items will be kept on the bus until the end of the day when students may remove them. Bus drivers will not be responsible for items left on the bus.
F. Students should be orderly and wait their turn to get on and off the bus.
G. Students should wait until the bus is stopped and the door is open before stepping near the bus.
A. Students will be respectful and obey the bus driver at all times.
B. Students may talk quietly.
C. Loud, vulgar, or unacceptable language and whistling or excessive loud noise are prohibited. Students will be completely quiet as the bus approaches and crosses a railroad and at any other time the bus driver may deem it necessary.
D. Students will not eat or drink on the bus, unless the bus driver gives authorization. Students will promptly be seated after entering the bus and remain seated with feet on the floor and facing front, keeping hands, feet and other objects to themselves and not extending them out of the window.
E. Students will keep aisles and seats free from books and materials. Throwing or spitting of objects is prohibited. Squirt guns, water containers, water pistols, etc. are prohibited and will be confiscated.
F. Pupils must sit only in their assigned seats and are not permitted to change seats unless by driver request. Pupils must also remain seated at all times and are required to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before leaving their seat to unload.
G. There must be ABSOLUTE QUIET railroad crossings and other places of danger as specified by the driver.
H. Noise on the bus should be kept to a minimum. The same behavior is expected on a school bus as in a classroom. Pupils may talk quietly if the driver permits.
I. Any child who insists on misbehaving shall be denied the privilege of riding the bus by the proper authority.
J. Pupils are required to load promptly on the bus when dismissed from school. When discharged from the bus, they must go directly to their point of safety.
K. Transportation Procedures require pupils use a Point of Safety to wait for pick up and return to after drop off. Pupils are required to obey the Driver's hand signal. Pupils crossing are to cross at least ten (10) large steps in front of the bus; residence-side pupils are to wait for the hand signal to approach the bus.
L. Pupils are not permitted to transport animals, glass materials, weapons or anything that could be considered dangerous.
M. Pupils may carry on the bus only objects that can be held in their laps. All items (pens, pencils, & other sharp items) shall be places in and remain in book bags or back packs while on the bus.
N. Positively no smoking, vaping, or the use of any tobacco product is allowed on the bus.
O. Students must comply with drivers' instructions.
P. Students are permitted to have headsets and electronic games on the bus to be used at discretion of the bus driver. These items, however, are not permitted in the buildings.
Q. Cell phones are permissible it the following is observed: No audio unless headphones are worn, no phone calls, videos or photos are allowed on bus routes and trips.
R. Pupils must not use profane language.
S. In order to assure a safe departure from school, students are not permitted to talk until after the bus has left the loading zone. The bus driver will designate a location on the route for students to be allowed to talk quietly for the remainder of the afternoon run.
T. Behavior at school bus stops must not threaten life, limb, or property of any individuals. Pupils must stay off the roadways or streets, avoid horseplay, shoving, or fighting, and stand back from the bus stop away from traffic while waiting for the bus. (Students are not to cross the road for pick up prior to bus arrival.) Drivers are authorized to issue conduct reports if misbehavior is observed at the bus stop for unsafe actions to themselves or threatening to another student.
1st Violation - Verbal warning from the bus driver.
2nd Violation - Verbal warning and letter from the bus driver given to the building principal. The principal will give the letter to the student which must be signed by the parent and returned to the principal. The bus driver may reassign seats.
3rd Violation - Written referral to principal and denial of bus riding privileges for a period of two (2) days.
4th Violation - Written referral to principal and denial of bus riding privileges for a period of three (3) days.
5th Violation - Written referral to principal and denial of bus riding privileges for a period of five (5) days
6th Violation - written referral to principal and denial of bus riding privileges for the remainder of the semester.
All bus drivers will immediately provide a written report to the respective building principal of students who misbehave in a serious manner while riding, boarding, and disembarking from busses.
A serious problem includes:
- Behavior, which is dangerous to the student or to another person. (fighting, assault, possession of a dangerous weapon, etc.)
- Illegal behavior (civil or school) – use of possession of tobacco, possession of drugs or alcohol, vandalism, etc.
- Disrespect of school personnel – abusive or profane language or gestures to drivers or to other staff
- Insubordination –refusal to obey reasonable request of staff members
Or other behavior which materially or substantially interrupts or interferes with the safe and orderly operation of the school bussing process.
The following will result in a minimum of five (5) days to a maximum of ten (10) days suspension of bus riding privileges plus possible school suspension, referral for expulsion, and legal referral, and/or monetary responsibility for damages.
- Use of tobacco
- Fighting
- Theft
- Insubordination
- Physical and/or verbal assault, harassment
- Profanity
- Vandalism
The following will result in a minimum of ten (10) days suspension of bus riding privileges plus possible school suspension, referral for expulsion, legal referral, and/or monetary responsibility for damages.
- Sale, use, or possession of drugs or alcohol.
- Possession or use of dangerous weapons.
NOTE: When bus transportation is denied, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide transportation of the student to and from school. Students failing to attend school will be declared truant and referred to the attendance officer.
Students will be referred to the superintendent for an expulsion/ejection hearing from the bus if the student has accumulated ten days of suspension of bus riding privileges.
According to State law (ORC 3313.661) the principals may suspend or remove a student and the superintendent may expel a student from bus riding privileges, provided that notice and opportunity for a hearing are given.
If appealing a bus suspension, requests for a hearing before the Board of Education will only be granted when the following have occurred:
- A meeting with the staff member initiating the disciplinary action and the building principal has been concluded.
- A meeting with the building principal and the superintendent has been concluded, (Board of Education Policy 5610, Suspension and Expulsion). All procedures, rules, and Consequences are taken from Administrative Code 3301.83.08, 3301.83.09, or 3301.83.20.
- Confidentiality:
- Custody Records:
- Parent Access to Records:
- Students with disabilities
- Homeless Students
AT RAILOhio law strictly limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information about pupils in the public schools. An exception is made in the case of directory information, which may be released without prior written consent unless the recipient is engaged in a profit-making activity or unless the parent has informed the school that any or all such directory information may be released only with his/her prior written consent.
"Directory Information” is defined as the pupil’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, date of graduation, and awards received.
Records and reports will be furnished upon request of any authorized institution or agency for graduate or transfer students. However, before such record cards, grades, or reports are released, the student must make sure all dues, fines, fees, or other financial obligations to the school have been paid or arrangements have been made with the building principal for payment or adjustment or other means of disposal as approved by the principal.
Parents and adult students have the right to amend a student record when they believe that any of the information contained in the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the student’s privacy. A parent or adult student must supply the amendment of a student record in writing and if the request is denied, the parent or adult student will be informed of their right to a hearing on the matter.
Individuals have a right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education if they believe that the District has violated FERPA. Parents who have inquiries concerning student records and confidentiality can direct their questions to the following agency:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC
Website: www.ed.gov/offices/OM/fpco
Email address: FERPA@ED.Gov and PPRA@ED.Gov
The American’s with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) prohibit discrimination against persons with a disability in any program receiving Federal financial assistance. This protection applies not just to students, but to all individuals who have access to the District’s programs and facilities.
The laws define a person with a disability as anyone who:
A. Has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
B. Has a record of such an impairment;
C. Is regarded as having such an impairment.
The District has specific responsibilities under these two laws, which include identifying, reviewing and, if the child is determined to be eligible, affording access to appropriate educational accommodation.
Additionally, in accordance with State and Federal mandates, the District seeks out, assesses and appropriately services students with disabilities. Staff members use a comprehensive child study process to systematically screen, assess and, if appropriate, place students in special education and related services. Students are entitled to a free appropriate public education in the "least restrictive environment."
A student can access special education and related services through the proper evaluation procedures. Parent involvement in this procedure is important and required by Federal (IDEIA), A.D.A. Section 504) and State law. Contact the Director of Special Education to inquire about evaluation procedures, programs, and services.