Mrs. Allison Warner
Third Grade Teacher

Learning at Home Resources
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I have compiled several resources for you to use while your child is at home during the coronavirus outbreak. These will hopefully keep your child on track for their third grade year and help them to reach their academic goals despite not being able to attend school and be in a traditional school setting at this time. I have set-up student accounts for your child with three different online programs; Study Island, Raz-Kids/ Headsprouts, and Xtra Math. I have tried to contact many of you through email, but if I did not have your email, please send me an email at, so that I can give you your child's login information for these online programs. Click on the icons on the right side of the page to log in to the three different sites. Below you can also find a printable reading and math packet that you can complete at home and a link to some online resources. Finally, I will be putting out a weekly post with some educational activities and videos that can be used for at-home learning. Wishing you good health and safety in these unusual times!
Mrs. Warner
Weekly Posts for At-Home Learning Resources
This post includes learning activities for home for May 18th through the end of the school year.
Mon May 18 04:12 PM
Activities, worksheets and videos to assist students that are learning from home.
Tue May 12 09:13 AM
This post includes activities and educational videos.
Mon May 04 05:03 PM
This post includes new learning activities for the week of April 27th.
Mon Apr 27 09:19 PM
This post includes learning activities for the week of April 20th, 2020.
Mon Apr 20 06:02 PM
This post has activities, worksheets, videos, and online resources for learning at home.
Mon Apr 13 06:30 PM
This post includes weekly information about how your child can learn from home.
Mon Apr 06 07:14 PM
Zoom Meeting Information
We will be having weekly class Zoom meetings.
Please check your email for a link to join the Zoom meeting. It will also include the date and time of the meeting for that week.
See the video below for help with how to join a meeting.